Navigation timing makes it easy to measure the real-world speed and performance of websites and locate problem areas that need tuning.
How to check a user’s membership in a group in a template
How in Django template check is user belong to group. Example.
How to delete file or folder in Python
There are several ways delete file or folder in Python
How get the full path of the current file’s directory in Python
There are several ways to get the path to the file or directory where the Python file is located.
Loading initial data in Django migrations using fixtures
It’s sometimes useful to pr-populate your database with hard-coded data when you’re first setting up an app. You can provide initial data with fixtures.
How to sort a Python dict by value
How to sort a Python dict by value (== get a representation sorted by value)
Open link in new window/tab on JavaScript
The open() method opens a new browser window, or a new tab, depending on your browser settings and the parameter values.
Java Keywords
Java keywords are also known as reserved words. Keywords are particular words which acts as a key to a code. These are predefined words by Java so it cannot be used as a variable or object name.
Measure the execution time of small bits of Python code
Measure the execution time of small bits of Python code with the “timeit” module
Function argument unpacking in Python
Sometimes “just a code snippet” isn’t enough to explain a cool Python feature and where to use it.